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Top 4 SEO Myths

Posted by CraigDBarnes , 14 February 2013 · 1,642 views

SEO Keywords Search engine marketing
Top 4 SEO Myths

As digital technologies continue to lower the bar in regard to creating a website, it can be easy for newcomers to fall into some typical traps in terms of optimisation. SEO (search engine optimisation) is a constantly-changing field that can literally be revolutionised overnight.

Therefore, it can be hard for all but the most ardent of technophiles to keep up with trends and techniques. Fortunately for you, we've put together some of the most prevalent SEO myths that afflict first-time web designers.

- Domain Dominance

Domain names no longer wield the power they once used to. While Google (et al) used to reward sites that had a title which was relevant to the term being searched, it now accrues its ideas of quality from a much more varied pool. These days, enigmatic search algorithms reward contextual relevancy - which content and increasingly social shares play a big role in.

- Keywords are Killing it

Rolling out a troop of landing pages that are plastered with keywords is no guarantee of enhancing relevancy - and can even detract from it if search engines think you're spamming. Google has periodically unleashed updates that have altered the way pages are ranked and this has had profound implications for the industry.

The Venice and Panda updates have had a substantial impact on the way SEO is carried out and arguably indicate the direction that Google will be taking in the future. There's likely to be more emphasis on social shares (with Google+'s +1 recommendation paving the way) and with the dawn of geo-location, results will be different depending on where you are.

Some outdated practices to avoid in this area include writing tons of content with key words and phrases, and aiming for a certain density with these. However, targeting keywords can still be useful if approached in the right way. Try to opt for variations, rather than spamming a single keyword and make sure content doesn't suffer by being twisted awkwardly around these.

- A Link to the Past

Quality and relevancy seem to be the watchwords for Google and moves to enhance this are clear in the way its algorithm has been changed to deal with inbound links. Another cherished SEO-staple, the way these are valued has been fundamentally altered and the days when you could pick up thousands of cheap links for a marginal price are gone.

- Content is King of the Universe

While undoubtedly important, having quality content is no guarantee that you'll attract traffic. Content, no matter how good, is not a silver bullet for SEO and needs to be backed up with optimisation and publicity. Similarly, content creation (and curation) is one of the key pillars of social media engagement and you neglect it at your peril.

Although pundits are keen to sound the death knell for SEO, it remains a solid part of any online strategy. However, it's no longer a box-ticking activity and maintaining your position in search rankings can be akin to a never ending battle. As the industry has expanded, the range of cost-effective tools and advice has increased exponentially. Even the most technophobic among you can opt to outsource online activity to the extent you're comfortable with and with so much competition vying for your business - there's never been a better time to jump on the online bandwagon.

This article was brought to you by Gerald Heneghan on behalf of Custard.co.uk, a bespoke PR agency, offering a range of tailored offline PR, social and search engine marketing services.

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